Airbnb Lesson 9: Creating Scheduled Messages

10:00 AM angeLjamie 5 Comments

Airbnb recently rolled out a new feature for seasoned hosts on its app. This is called the Scheduled Messages. It's an upgrade to the Message Template that you would create for common responses that you have for your guests. But instead of manually choosing and sending the message, you can have it scheduled to send automatically, making it very convenient.

Note: Not all have this feature yet. Mostly those that have been on the system for quite some time.

For this tutorial, we'll do a Booking reply. 

Normally, when I get a booking, the first thing I do is to thank the guest and in a way acknowledge it. My reasons, being:

1. Yey! Your booking is successful!
2. There's a real person behind this booking.
3. Review what you've booked, in terms of number of guests and the date.
4. Ask for the name of the guests.

The last 2 reasons are very important. It would save you a ton of headache in the future.

With that in mind, let's create the automatic message.

First, go to your inbox and open any guest message. Right beside the reply box, you'll see a new button, with a clock on its corner. Tap that button to create and access your scheduled messages.

The button beside it your saved template messages that can be sent manually.

For starters, this would show up. Just hit 'Create automated template' to start creating a message.

Name your message. Make it simple. For this, the name is 'Booking reply'.
On the message part, notice the drop down list named 'Shortcodes'. These are actually placement holders that the system would automatically change based on information inherent to the booking, like name of guest, date of check-in, etc.
Tap 'Shortcodes' to browse the list.

Since we want the message to be sent to all guests that booked, we need the name dynamic. In the drop down list, choose 'guest first name'; same with the check-in and out dates.
The rest of the message, you'll have to type out. Here's my sample message.

Check for any spelling or grammatical errors. Remember the message would be sent automatically, so we don't want any mistake.

Once you're satisfied with your message, scroll down to 'Listings' and select the appropriate list you'd want this message for. This is especially true for those with multiple listings.

Now, on to Scheduling...

Scheduling is the time when you'd like your message sent out.  To do it, tap Action. There's 3 options:
• Booking confirmed
• Check-in
• Checkout

Choosing any of the option would lead to another drop down list for the actual time, 'When to send'.

For our example, we want the 'Booking Reply' sent to the guest after they booked, but not immediately. I don't want them to know that it's a robot in there, so I'm choosing '5 minutes after'.

Lastly, hit the 'Create' button. That's it! You're done. The message would now be sent to all new bookings that you'll receive.

Easy, right?

Now, try and create a "Welcome" message to your guest. The 'Shortcodes' has options to store your unit's WiFi name and password, so you won't have to type it everytime a guest asked. Cause we know, a guest would ask for it even if you've already had it printed and placed on the table for them to see. Just make sure that you've actually added those information on your listing.

To manage your Scheduled Messages, just hit 'Manage' on the right-hand corner of the screen.

Choosing 'Check-in' or 'Checkout' on the 'Action' list would give you a chance to schedule the message days before each action, so you can actually create a message alert for your guest's stay days before their actual stay. Neat, right?

I had fun and created a tone of automatic templates. See my list below!

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